FestaPlanning.com FestaPlanning.com FestaPlanning.com

Extensive network of vendors.

We have compiled a database of only the very best events vendors, from catering to children's entertainment. We can even get you special rates!

Years of events planning experience in Massachusetts.

We know our customers' needs and the incredible potential of this geographic region. We have learned what works and what doesn't and would be happy to share that knowledge with you!


We offer a wide variety of planning services, from full-service packages to A La carte Services to fit your specific needs. No events planning need is too small for Festa Planning - we know that it is all about the details!

Your own personal events planner.

From the beginning, you will have your own liaison at Festa Planning, one who is completely dedicated to your event, is always available for any questions. All planners are savvy professionals with hefty events-planning experience. We also carefully manage volume to ensure all of our planners have more than enough time for their clients.

Budget Management.

Working smart and saving you money - expenses add up quickly when you're planning an event, and we can help you stay within your budget while getting the most for your money. It helps that we are hands-on (we do our own floral design!), that we have the outstanding vendor relationships and, most importantly, the experience to know how to optimize event spending.